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5张爱的肖像(The Five Images of Love)
更新时间:2024-04-24 01:31:11

no on undrstands th natur of lov; it is lik a bird of havn that sings a strang languag. it lights down among us, coming from whnc w know not, going w know not how or whn, striking out wild nots of music that mak vn fatigud and havy harts to throb and giv back a ton of courag.th sorts and kinds of lov ar infinit in numbr, infinit as th days of th yars of tim. ach on of us is capabl of many and various lovs. w cannot lov two craturs, not two dogs, with th sam lov. to ach of thos whom w lov w offr a gm of diffrnt colour and valu;

5张爱的肖像(The Five Images of Love)

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