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减肥之法-The Way of Losing Weight,减肥之法-The Way of Losing
更新时间:2024-04-26 03:18:10

减肥之法-Th Way of Losing Wight,减肥之法-Th Way of Losing减肥之法-Th Way of Losing Wight Hnry is a littl fattr than h wants to b. H is a bit worrid. H dcids to los wight. H ats only a littl food for brakfast and suppr, and has som fruit. H dosn't at much sugar bcaus h thinks it maks him fattr.

减肥之法-The Way of Losing Weight,减肥之法-The Way of Losing

Bsids having only a littl food, h kps doing xrciss vry day. H swims vry oftn and runs vry day. Som tim latr, h bcoms strongr. 亨利认为他比较胖,他有点担心,于是就决定减肥。他午餐、晚餐只吃一点食物,吃一些水果。他少吃糖,因为他认为糖使他发胖。

除了少吃,他坚持每天做运动。他经常游泳,每天跑步。一段时间后,他变得强壮了。 Hnry thinks h is a littl fattr. H wants tolos wight. H ats only a littl food and has som fruit vry day. H ats littl sugar, bcaus h thinks it maks him fattr.

Bsids having only a littl food, h taks xrciss vry day. H kps swimming and running vry day. H runs about two kilomtrs a day. Now h is strongr than bfor. 亨利认为他有点胖,他想减肥。他每天只吃一点食物,吃一些水果。他少吃糖,因为他认为糖会使他发胖。

除了少吃饭,他每禾都做运动。他坚持游泳,每天跑步。他每天跑大约2千米。现在他比以前强壮了。 减肥之法-Th Way of Losing Wight

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