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A Diary,A Diary范文
更新时间:2024-04-16 15:50:12

A Diary,A Diary范文A Diary A Diary

A Diary,A Diary范文

Spt 10th, Fin

Today is Tachrs' Day. W wnt to school arly and stood at th school gat to salut th tachrs whn thy ntrd our school. Bfor class, w gathrd in th hall. At th crmony

our hadmastr praisd th modls tachrs in our school and award thm mdals for thir xcllnt srvic. Our nglish tachr was among thm. In th aftrnoon som of my classmats wnt to our class mastr's offic. W wr warmly rcivd and had a frindly talk with him. H ncouragd us to study hard and b good studnts. W wr dply inspird. A Diary

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