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拒抽二手烟-No Secondhand Smoke
更新时间:2024-04-24 01:26:44

No Scondhand Smok-拒抽二手烟

拒抽二手烟-No Secondhand Smoke

It is vry uncomfortabl to inhal th smok of a cigartt smokr. I know this for a fact, sinc my fathr smoks a lot. Whn w ar togthr in a a room, th smok h xhals fills my lungs and also maks my ys watr.

If possibl, smoking in public should b bannd altogthr, bcaus it is unfair for non-smokrs to go through th ordal of brathing smok-filld air. so it is vry inconsidrat of popl to smok in front of othrs. In airplans, popl who smok ar sparatd from passngrs who don't. For th sak of vrybody's halth, I think this should b don in othr public placs too.



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