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My dream
更新时间:2024-04-16 13:21:21

I hav a dram. It is a dram that is dply rootd in human natur. I dram that on day popl of all origins can liv in harmony and pac without bing discriminatd against or prscutd. Th bounty of th arth can b shard by vry singl human bing. Mutual rspct will guarant th xistnc and continuation of th divrsity of customs and culturs. Lov, sympathy, and coopration will allviat th suffrings and disastrs inflictd upon our fllow mn. Rspct for basic human rights will put an nd to social injustics and vils. Whn my dram coms tru, all mn will b truly qual, happy, and fr.

My dream

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