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吓退小偷(Scared the Thief Away)
更新时间:2024-04-28 02:29:47

吓退小偷(Scard th Thif Away)on day, mamma and dad wnt out, laving m alon at hom. i was doing my homwork suddnly i hard som sound of "dong! dong! dong!"at first i thought, "who is knocking at th door with so loud a sound?" i lookd out from th door slit and saw a man with stalthy bhavior picking th lock of th door.it was a thifl i was so frightnd that i didn't know what to do for a short tim. i was just a kid, and if h brok in, i was crtainly no match for him. just at that momnt a good ida occurrd to m. i shoutd loudly, "mom, dad is calling you! "fortunatly it workd. th thif was scard away. a bad man can nvr b wisr than a good on.

吓退小偷(Scared the Thief Away)

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